Sunday, June 8, 2008

Oh, I Have An Idea What We Should Do With Hillary......

In the last couple of weeks, as it became apparent that despite every dirty trick Bill and Hillary tried Obama was going to get the Democratic nomination, all of the talk has been "What next for Hillary?" Now I remember in the old days (like the week before last), when the person that lost a primary was, well, the loser.

Look, at the beginning of the year the presumptive Republican candidate was going to be Mitt Romney or Rudy Guliani, and yet here we are with John McCain. Okay, well I guess that's why they actually hold the primaries and the caucuses, rather than just appoint the nominee. However, how many news stories have you heard in the last few months asking what role Mitt or Rudy would play in a Mccain White House? Oh, Mitt or Rudy might play a role in a McCain administration, but who is out there demanding a role for either two gentleman?

And yet everyone, it seems, is calling for a new role for Hillary, as if there is great shame in having to go back to being "just a Senator". is the democratic party so afraid of Hillary Clinton that they have to reward her with some grand, unearned position to keep the beast sedated? Apparently.

Now we've all heard the talk of Vice President, and that is not that uncommon, as those who do well in the primary but don't receive the nomination are usually considered for this position, or at least there is talk about the consideration. The only problem with Hillary for VP is that she and Obama really don't like each other. I mean they really don't like each other. Not that that is not without precedent, there have been several President/Vice-President combo's that were lukewarm or worse in the past: Clinton/Gore, Reagan Bush, Kennedy/Johnson, and that's just in the last 50 years. But in those instances, how many of those vice presidents had ever floated the idea of assassination before the general election even began? No, there is only one reason to appoint Hillary VP: Fear. And you know what, while I think Obama is too liberal and too naive to hold the presidency, I do consider him a man of principle, a consideration that will evaporate immediately if he allows himself to be bullied into putting Hillary on the ticket.

So if not the Vice President, what then. Well, Hillary's a lawyer, so why not Attorney General of the United States, or maybe Supreme Court Justice? Seriously, people are floating these suggestions, as if a law degree is adequate for these positions. Does it matter that we want to put someone in one of the top legal positions in the land who got caught illegally with 900 FBI files, falsely accused the White House travel office executives of a crime, or over billed her clients as the Rose Law firm. I I ain't even gonna bring up White Water.

Secretary of State? Why Hillary simultaneously opposed the War in Iraq and voted to start it. Is there a country or a leader out there that Hillary is not capable of offending? I doubt it.

Here's a good one: Hillary for Health Care Reform Czar. Seriously? She didn't screw this up enough in the 90's that we want to give her another shot at it? Hey, while we are at it lets put Bill in charge of the intern program? Sure, he had a little problem in the 90's, but if Hillary can get another shot at her problem, ..........

Others are pushing for Hillary for Senate Majority Leader. Sure, eight years is long enough to earn that position, and it's not like Dodd, Biden, or any of the other Democrats who have been there for 30, 40, or 50 years actually WANT the job.

What is it that this women knows that has people so frightened? Why is it that these otherwise intelligent people bow to giving this woman whatever she wants. Why is Hillary so scary? Can anyone tell me. Anyone.... Yes, Mrs. Foster, you have your hand up.......


Jody said...

Yikes. Just... Yikes.

Wadical said...

Just wanted to drop by and thank you for your kind comment. I didn't realize I had another "reader". Your words of encouragement and your prayers are greatly appreciated. Nice site, my friend. I shall return.

Jody said...

So, Bob... Once you're no longer "lost" will you resume blogging? :)