And given that my blog had a decidedly political slant, now that the elections are over I hope to return to a more "What's going on in Bob's life" slant, although I'm sure that from time to time I will have to jump in and comment on the political issues of the day.
And as we prepare for a new administration in Washington, let me take a moment to tell you what I will NOT be doing in the coming year (politically speaking):
1) Although I did not vote for Obama, I hope his presidency is successful - not for him, but rather for the American people. I do not wish to see the Obama administration fail simply because I do not share their ideology.
2) While from time to time I may point out the Obama/Pelosi/Reed administration failures, I will also do my best to point out their successes. And there will be successes, just as there were successes (as well as numerous failures) during the last eight years. The problem is, if you read the left leaning blogs, you would never know of those successes.
3) I will refer to Barack Obama as President Obama, Obama, and maybe occasionally "Barack". I will not uses any "clever" variations of his name or any other derogatory names. The man is our president, whether I voted for him or not, and I do have respect for the office. I will not use names, as I like to think that I am not immature, childish, or incapable of a real argument, one that does not reduce me to a name caller.
4) I will not spend the next four (or eight) years complaining about how Barack Obama "Stole" the election. where there "issues"? Of course there were (Hello Acorn). However even with the "questionable" voter fraud issues of the election, I am confident that Obama would still have one.
Unlike the 2000 Election that the Left keeps claiming they really won. You remember that election - the one where the center of debate was how unfair the "Butterfly Ballot" was, despite the fact that the ballot was designed AND approved by the Democratic party. And, despite the fact that The Miami Herald and USA Today conducted a comprehensive review of the 64,248 "undercounted" ballots in Florida's 67 counties and determined that Bush was indeed the winner.
5) I will not comment on the intelligence - or lack of it - that our President has. My good friend Chris likes to refer to George W. Bush as "That "C" Student from Yale", and it's true that Bush's grades were less than stellar, as were those of his two opponents Al Gore and John Kerry. While all Three had there shares of Both B's and C's, Bush never scored below a "C" (which he received in Sociology and Economics). Okay, those of you on the left can start with the Economics jokes now, but before you do, you should know that both Gore and Kerry DID receive grades below a "C" - Gore receiving a "C-" in Government, and a "D" in Natural Sciences. Yes, the man who is currently leading the national debate on Global Warming got a "D" in Natural Sciences.

But he fared much better than John Kerry, who not only pulled a "D" in Geology as a Freshman, but also pulled a "D" in TWO History classes as well as a "D" in Political Science. Bush's grades in History and Political Science - "C's". Not great, and actually abysmal by the standards of selecting a world leader BUT still better than his opponents.
Obama's grades? Lets see what a search of the Internet brings up. This, from Wikipedia: "Barack Obama has not released transcripts for his grades from Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law. He has also not released his SAT and LSAT scores. No explanation has been offered for not releasing them."
Despite the mystery surrounding Obama's grades, he is still hailed as a "Genius" and the "Smartest Man To Hold The Office of President." Based on....? Oh don't get me wrong, I don't doubt that Barack Obama is an intelligent man, especially when there is a TelePrompter around. He is a great public speaker, and light years better than Bush, who was possibly the worst public speaker of the modern presidents.
But just how smart he really is, we'll have to wait and see. (P.S. - I think that Jimmy Carter was one of the more intelligent Presidents that we have had in the last 50 years - and also the worst President we have had in the last 50 years. I'm just saying......)
6) I will not seek out and post embarrassing or Photoshopped photos of the President. Okay, the one above isn't flattering.... but it shall (probably) be my last. Hey, if the guy does something stupid and it's caught on film......
7) Finally, I will not be calling for Obama's impeachment at the drop of a hat. That one gets old really, really fast.President Obama, I wish you all the luck in the world, and hope your administration is a shining one. You'll understand if I have my doubts, and I am unlikely on my next trip to Vegas to put any money on it, but I still have hope. If nothing else, I want to thank you for making Hillary Clinton Secretary of State. Why? Otherwise we would have her as a Senator for the next twenty years. This way she serves a couple of years in this role, and hopefully is relegated to the dustbins of history. If that is the only thing you accomplish in the next four years I will already consider you a success.