Friday, October 19, 2007

The Amazing Harry Reid

As we know from Yesterdays Post, Rush Limbaugh recently put up on eBay the letter that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid crafted condemning Limbaugh, and said letter was signed by 41 senators (including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, John Kerry, John Edwards & Ted Kennedy) and sent it to Mark Mays of Clear Channel Communications, Rush Limbaugh's syndication partner.

Just when you thought this story couldn’t get any stranger (or backfire on Reid any worse), now Reid is TAKING CREDIT for the $4.2 million that the letter raised for Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation. What follows is Reid’s comments on the Senate Floor this morning.

"Madam President, earlier this month I came to the floor to discuss some comments made by Rush Limbaugh. Following my remarks, more than 40 of my Senate colleagues and I cosigned a letter to the chairman of Clear Channel, Mark May, telling him we wanted him to confer with Limbaugh regarding the statements he made. I've since spoken to Mark May about this. Mark May, in fact, called me regarding this letter. This week, Rush Limbaugh put the original copy of that letter up for auction on eBay. Mr. President, we didn't have time, or we could have gotten every Senator to sign that letter."

"He put the letter up for auction on eBay, and I think very, very constructively, let the proceeds of that to go to the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation that provides scholarship assistance to Marines and federal law enforcement personnel whose parents fall in the line of duty. What could be a more worthwhile cause. I think it's really good that this money on eBay is going to be raised for this purpose.”

"When I spoke to Mark May, he and I thought this probably wouldn't make much money, a letter, written by Democrat Senators, complaining about something. This morning, the bid is more than two million for this. We've watched it during the week. It keeps going up, and up, and up. There's only a little bit of time left on it, but it certainly is going to be more than two million. Never did we think that this letter would bring money of this nature, and for the cause, Madam President, it's extremely good. Now everybody knows that Rush Limbaugh and I don't agree on everything in life. Maybe that's kind of an understatement. But, without qualification, Mark May, the owner of the network that has Rush Limbaugh, their auction is going to be something that raises money for a worthwhile cause. I don't know what we could do more important than helping to ensure that children of our fallen soldiers and police officers who have fallen in the line of duty have the opportunity for their children to have a good education."

"More than $2 million, this is going to really help. And that's, again, an understatement. There's only a little bit of time left.“So I would ask those that are wanting to do more, that they can go to the Harry Reid, search -- actually go on say "Harry Reid letter," this will come up on eBay. I encourage anyone interested in this with the means to do so to consider bidding on this letter and contributing to this worthwhile cause. I strongly believe that when we can put our differences aside, even Harry Reid and Rush Limbaugh, we should do that and try to accomplish good things for the American people."

I don’t think I have ever heard anything as audacious in my life. For Reid to try to make it like he is a part of this is incredible. I also like how he referred to the letter as “a letter, written by Democrat Senators, complaining about something” When in fact this was a smear campaign by the United States Senate against a private citizen for something that wasn’t even what he was saying.

"When I spoke to Mark May, he and I thought this probably wouldn't make much money…” First of all, it’s MAYS, not May. Secondly, he didn’t mention that the reason he was speaking to Mays was to try to get Mays to help him STOP the eBay auction.

You want to take credit for this Harry? Well, Rush matched the 2.1 million winning bid, what say you do the same? As a matter of fact, how about the rest of you who signed that letter doing the same thing?

On the positive note, the 110th Congress has FINALLY passed a piece of paper that actually did some good.

SIDE NOTE: Reid's favorable-to-unfavorable rating hit its lowest point in a new poll published by the Las Vegas Review Journal: 32 percent favorable vs. 51 percent unfavorable. In fact, the paper said, Reid is less popular than President Bush.


cwilcox said...

You can't smear Rush Limbaugh any more than he smears himself every time he opens his mouth. And while I still would like to donate Harry to your side, to call him audacious seems ingenuine. Just yesterday you thanked him for making it all possible.

cwilcox said... I think I made a new word! Scratch "ingenuine" and replace with "disingenuous"

I got your point though and I ain't gonna argue with ya.

Iowa Bob said...

yes, I did thank him for making it all possible, I'm calling him audacious for taking the credit, like this was his plan all along.

"Ingenuine" huh. Hmmmm, who else do I know that makes up words sometimes......

cwilcox said...

LOL! Oh no you didn't! (imagine a fat man doing a very anitmated Z-snap about now)You didn't just compare my vocabulary with the Decider did you? OUCH!