Monday, October 15, 2007

Be Gentle.... It's My First Time

Well, today I launch my blog. What exactly will “LostIowanDiary” be about? Well, that’s kind of hard to say, as I tend to go off on tangents from time to time. Think of it as a political blog with ADD. Although it’s not all about politics. Sometimes it about….. well, I haven’t gotten there yet, but I’m sure I will.

Why even write a political blog? Well, I have to give credit where credit is due, which is with my old college roommate Christopher David Peter Wilcox, aka “Wally”, aka “The Red Hog” Wally started his own Blog back in February of 2006, and I have been an avid reader and commenter on his blog, and I finally decided that I wasn’t going to let Wally have all of the fun, thus the birth of this site.

It should be noted that while I owe a lot to Wally, he and I do tend to be on different ends of the political scale. While my politics tend to lean towards the right, Wally’s are decidedly liberal. But, to give Chris his due, he does tend to call them as he sees them, and is not above calling his own party to task from time to time. Not as often as I would like him too, but Chris’ blog,, is definitely more open minded than most liberal blogs.

And it is in this vein that I launch I hope to be able to use these pages to bring to light the hypocrisy on both the left and right sides of the aisle. It’s just that I have a lot more to work with on the left.

And before I go any further, let me state that I am not a George W. Bush supporter. I do support Mr. Bush more than my liberal friends, but all-in-all I do not feel that his presidency has been a great one. However, to give him some credit, and post-9/11 presidency was likely to be a difficult one, and I believe that between their nonstop rants against George W., most liberals are secretly grateful that their boy Al wasn’t in office when 9/11 happened.

Anyhow, while I tend to defend the conservative side of the argument, what I actually am is a Libertarian. And to be honest, George W. is one of the reasons that I have made this move. I believe in fiscal responsibility as far as the government (and those who it governs) is concerned, and yet I have watched the current administration outspend even the Clintons. Granted, he had a war to contend with, but even so George has gone way too far.

But that doesn’t mean that there is room on the left side of the aisle for me either. Liberalism has come to mean more spending on such things as speech police, a failed 40+ year old war on poverty that rewards dependency, workplace rules that stifle opportunity, absurd environmental regulations, and the creation of a “womb-to-tomb” nanny state that tells us what to eat, drink and think.

As one of my heroes John Stossel once wrote “I like the idea of personal freedom that is often put forward by the Democrats, but they never seem to connect that with personal responsibility.

So, as a Libertarian, what do I believe? Well dear friend, for that you are going to have to tune in tomorrow.

Thank you for reading my words, and I certainly hope that you will stop back from time to time. And remember, this is a two-way street, and I want to hear what YOU have to say. We’ve got a good thiong going here, lets see if we can change some minds.


cwilcox said...

Welcome to the blogosphere Bob! I shoulda warned ya. This little endeavor you have embarked upon will most likely turn into an obsession, no that's not right... this little endeavor you have embarked upon will most likely turn into an addiction.
I look forward to reading your site daily Bob. I have linked your spot in the prominent "passions" section of my blogroll. It is my hope that many of my readers will visit your site regularly in a quest for legitimate fair and balanced reading. Good luck my friend.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the Red Hog and Lost Iowan saber rattlin. Good luck with the blog.

Me. Here. Right now. said...

Haven't heard him called Wally in quite a while, though it does conjure pictures of the young Wilcox in his cowboy hat.

Good luck on your venture. I hope to stop by from time to time and see what a fellow transplanted Californian/native Iowan has to say.

smurgallis said...

Ooh, very interesting indeed! Glad to see that you've found a way to pass the time, Bob, and also interesting that you lean towards politics. We've never had much of a discussion in that respect, maybe this can be our first chance. Kudos, though, on joining the blogosphere!