Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Get Well Soon Randi

You may have heard that Randi Rhodes, a talk show host on the Liberal Air America, was attacked near her Manhattan home around 8pm Sunday evening. Now those of you familiar with my writings at my friend The Red Hog’s post may know of my vast dislike for Ms. Rhodes. I think she is uneducated in her thoughts, unwilling to even consider “the other side of the story”, and exemplifies everything that is wrong with extremist politics. To my liberal friends, I liken her to Michael Savage on the right, who I equally dispise.

Rhodes claims she was walking down the street near her Manhattan home around 8 p.m. when she was struck and found herself face down on the pavement, her lawyer, Robert Gaulin, told FOXNews.com.

"We don't know whether there was a deliberate intention aimed at her or whether it was an accident... she was pretty much, she was hurt badly when she fell and her face hit the ground," Gaulin said, adding that people on the street came to her aid.

Jon Elliott, another host at the network, told listeners of his show Monday night that Rhodes had been attacked near Park Avenue and 39th Street.

According to the blog TALKING RADIO, a blog that follows Air America's programming, Elliott then said, "This does not appear to me to be a standard grab-the- money-and-run mugging," and, "Is this an attempt by the right wing hate machine to silence one of our own?" Elliot also suggested that the act might have been meant to intimidate left-wing radio, the blog reported. "Are we threatening them? Are they afraid that we’re winning? Are they trying to silence intimidate us?"

You may think that given my dislike of Rhodes that I would find this to be good news. Nothing could be further from the truth. I do not agree with her opinions 95% of the time, but that does not mean that I would wish her harm.

But the story doesn’t end here. First of all, there is no proof whatsoever that this is a Hate Crime, that Rhodes was attacked for her views. But wait, it still get better. Apparently Rhodes was never even attacked. A police source said Rhodes never filed a report and never claimed to be the victim of a mugging. Cops from Manhattan's 17th Precinct called her attorney, who told them Rhodes was not a victim of a crime, the source said.

This is the same attorney who told FOX News Ms. Rhodes “was struck and found herself face down on the pavement”

The reason I find this story so interesting is that it shows just how warped a lot of people on the left have become. You are so hateful of the Bush Administration, the conservative movement, and anyone on the right in general that you are willing to believe any story because it fits in with your view of the world.

Look, I’m not letting conservatives off the hook either. If you found out tomorrow that Hillary Clinton drinks the blood of a newborn baby every morning, there would be a fair amount of you believing that. However, I am confident that the vast majority would say “wait a minute, show me the proof.”

However, on the other side of the aisle, it’s the vast majority that are willing to run with it. What if this was the other way around, and Rush had been “attacked” and the talk on right wing radio was that he was attacked by a liberal and that this was a hate crime. Then it came out that he wasn’t attacked? The left would be hollering about the conservative jump to conclusions, claiming that the accusation itself constitutes a hate crime. Anyone want to take bets on how long it’s going to take Rhodes to apologize to the right for the false claims. (hint: I wouldn’t bet on any day that ends in a “y”).

Why is it that the left are so willing to believe these horrible things about the right, and yet are so easily snowed by the lies on their own side. Like I said, I believe this is an issue on the right as well, but not nearly to the extent as my Liberal friends. Any thoughts?


cwilcox said...

Yeah Bob, you are so open minded and quick to be non-judgemental. Because the spokseperson for a entertainer questioned if it was a hate crime suddenly all of liberaldom jumped to the same conclusion, without waiting to hear more of the facts? It is a good thing there are so many of you good God fearing and level headed conservatives out there to protect us knee-jerk liberals from hurting ourselves.

smurgallis said...

I think that this isn’t really a matter of liberal versus conservative and more of a matter of human nature. We’re very prone to jump to conclusions, and media-jaded Americans are even more likely to jump to conclusions dripping in sultry drama. True, though; the opposing political standings and their respective media supporters are quick to jump on each other at the first sign of an inaccuracy. Be that mistake as slight as a ten percent difference in a presidential poll result report (MSNBC) or as major as proclaiming the pope dead when he was still alive (FOX). I think we need to stop nit-picking on whose misreporting what and start focus on the main issues. For example, with the case you brought up involving the pundit, we shouldn’t be concerned with why she was attacked, just that she was; directing our attention not to the reasons that she was attacked, but to the state of the city’s crime rate that allowed her to be attacked.

Iowa Bob said...

Well stated Shea. Look for some additional points on this fascinating story later today.

Hope all is going well in New York, look forward to seeing you soon.

Say Hi to your mom for Cindy and myself.

Iowa Bob said...

Well stated Shea. Look for some additional points on this fascinating story later today.

Hope all is going well in New York, look forward to seeing you soon.

Say Hi to your mom for Cindy and myself.