Sunday, January 6, 2008

I Miss You Dad

Dear Readers, today’s post will be brief, for two reasons. First of all, if you read my post yesterday you know that we have been hit by some powerful storms, and I lost part of my backyard fence yesterday. The good news is I lost less than I could have, and so far all of the trees are still standing. I wish I could say that was the case across the city, but several of my friends and neighbors are dealing with downed trees and power lines, so I guess I can consider myself lucky.

And as we have had a short break between storm systems today, I have spent most of the day dealing with fixing the fence, which means I’m a little too tired to be blogging today. The rains of the second system have already started, so I guess I just have to wait and see if my handyman efforts of today will keep the fence up.

The other reason that I’m not in the right frame of mind for blogging today is because today is January 5th, which happens to be the sixth anniversary of my fathers death. And so in the old man’s honor, I’m going to lay off of politics and picking on liberals, although if he were alive today he would be picking on them too.

I would love to tell you about the extra special relationship that I had with my father, but the truth is we were never that close. Oh, there was never any gun play or anything like that, we just didn’t always see eye-to-eye growing up. By the time I was an adult and was starting a family of my own, and I finally started understanding how smart my dad really was, he was stricken with Alzheimer’s and our final years together were a shadow of what they could have been.

So dear readers, today I am asking you to do me a favor. If you are lucky enough to have your parents still with you, please take the time to call them and tell them that you love them. And if you are a parent yourself, PLEASE do not take the time that you have with your children for granted. It can all be gone in a moment, and you don’t want them wondering “What if” of the time you could have spent.


Jody said...

A great post, Bob. We all need the reminder. It's a fitting tribute to your father's memory.

Brent said...

Yes, a great reminder to appreciate what we have with our family members. My parents are in their 70's and still around, thank goodness.
And, OMG, I loved your comment to my site about physicals!! I honestly laughed and had to catch my breath. Thanks for the hilarious comment!