Sunday, January 27, 2008

Obama Pulls Out a BIG Win In South Carolina

Wow, did Hillary get her hat handed to her tonight. We knew that Obama would win South Carolina, but this big? Obama more than Doubled Hillary’s numbers, 55% to 27%, the first time anyone has pulled more than half of the votes in any primary or caucus. Is it enough? Hard to say, but it is definitely a huge win.

As of this moment Hillary leads Florida, our next primary, by an average of 18 points. And while Obama can expect a bump from South Carolina, is it going to be enough to overcome Hillary’s huge lead. And don’t forget that a lot of people vote early via absentee ballot, so there are probably a lot of people that have already voted for Hillary, people that are now kicking themselves for that decision.

Now I like politics, you might say I’m a political junkie. And if you are reading this blog there’s a good chance you may be too, and this election cycle has been very, very exciting on both sides. And at this point I’m more interested in the Democratic nominee than the Republican, mainly because my main choice – Fred Thompson – has pulled out. Being a Libertarian, I like Ron Paul too, but lets get serious, he doesn’t have a chance.

I like Hillary because she would be the ideal candidate to run against. While I doubt whoever the Republican candidate is will have the ability to rally the Republican base, I have no doubt that Hillary will have that power. Not the power to unite HER party, but the ability to unite the Republicans. My only fear with Hillary being the candidate is, she could win. And that’s a chance I am weary to take.

Then there’s Obama. While I think that the Republicans can beat him, I think it is less likely than Hillary. And should Obama ultimately win the White House, I can definitely live with that much more easily than Hillary.

Heck, don’t hold me to this, but in an Obama/McCain election, I might even vote for Obama.

Ideally I would like to see an Obama/Somebody race, where the Republicans win. Why? If Obama is the nominee and fails to win the White House, that would make Hillary the likely candidate in 2012. Hillary is also up for re-election in the Senate in 2012, so that means if she runs for President she won’t be running for the Senate. Actually, she COULD run for both, but what does that say about her character. I’m sorry, did I use the words “Hillary” and “Character” in the same sentence?

But the bottom line is if we can push Hillary’s run back to 2012, we have a shot at getting her out of Washington completely. Because remember, even if we shut down her presidential run, she will still continue to be a thorn in our side for years to come.

But if Hillary bombs in Florida, we have a whole new ballgame. Now we just need John Edwards to wise up and get out of the game (and support Obama).

1 comment:

Jody said...

I don't get the McCain thing...

So, Obama- McCain race.... Hmm, I'll have to see the VPs. And hope they wield some influence.