Saturday, November 17, 2007

Harry & Nancy, A Waste Of Time AND Money

The era of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi is just over ten months old and already it has been deemed by many as one of the worst congresses on record. Lets take a look at what the democrats got for their “historic revolution”:

= 57 political Iraq votes held in the House and Senate
= $300,000 in funding for the San Francisco Exploratorium museum in the Labor-HHS-Ed appropriations bill
= $1 million in funding for the Woodstock Museum proposed by Senators Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer
= $2 million in funding for the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service, the Rangel Conference Center, and the Charles Rangel Library at CCNY
= $3 billion in border security funding pulled from the defense spending bill by Democrats
= $22 billion in additional spending proposed by Democrats over the President's budget request
= $220 billion in additional spending over 10 years proposed by Democrats
= $916 billion additional taxes proposed in the Democrats' budget over the next 10 years
= $1.3 trillion in additional taxes proposed by Democrats in AMT legislation over the next 10 years

And this is what they have done with a Republican in the White House. Imagine what we would be facing with this congress and Hillary in office? I shudder to think about it


cwilcox said...

LMAO...the worst congress on record. You act like there are no obstructionist Republicons in the Congress. I have imagined what we will see when Democrats gain seats in Congress and sit in the Oval Office. I shudder. Shudder in giddy glee! There is one thing Republicons were better at. Being indicted.
And Bob, Mr. I want balance and to look at things from all sides; How does all that "stuff" in your right side bar support your fair and balanced claims?

Iowa Bob said...

Well, I list seven conservative blogs that I read, and seven liberal ones. Now look at the blogs you link to and tell me that you have even close to that many conservative sites on your blog.

cwilcox said...

I was talking about the pictures. I only list two conservative blogs because I only read two.