Thursday, November 8, 2007

Lets Look At The Differences Between Conservatives And Liberals

Before I start my post for the day, I’d like to welcome a new link to The Lost Iowan Diary. The post is the Iowa Geek Online, which you can reach via a link on this page. I spent a great deal of time last night reading several of The Iowa Geeks posts, and found them to be intelligent, warm and highly entertaining. Check it out. And now, on with today’s post.

What’s the difference between a Liberal and a Conservative? Well, that’s not an easy question to answer. It’s a little simpler when you are discussing specific issues, but maybe not so much even then. Are liberals more moral than conservatives? Do conservatives love their country more than liberals? Who knows, it’s all in how you see things. But one thing I have found in my research is that there is an awful lot of hypocrisy in the leadership on the left, which in turn leads to hypocrisy from the followers on the left, although I can’t really fault them, they’re only doing and thinking what they are told.

Is there hypocrisy on the right? You bet there is, and some of it ranks right up there with the best of the best from the left. But here’s the difference – and this is only my opinion: First, there isn’t as much hypocrisy on the right, although there is still too much. Secondly, both sides are good at ignoring the hypocrisy on their own sides, but the liberals are much better at it than the conservatives.

Case in point: Listen to Talk Radio, and by Talk Radio I mean an equal mixture of liberal and conservative programming. First, toss out the “wacko” programs – My suggestion would be to toss Michael Savage on the Right, and Randi Rhodes on the left. Now look at how they handle a “screw-up” by a person or persons in their party. Most conservatives, such as Hannity or Limbaugh, will call them to task on it. For example I have not heard one word of support for Larry Craig or Mark Foley from the right. However, look at Representative Pete Stark, the California Democrat who stated: “"You don't have money to fund the war or children. But you're going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president's amusement," Even though he was censured in the House, I heard nothing but praise for his comments from the pundits on Air America. No. it wasn't as if they ignored him, they actually PRAISED him.

Also, listen how they treat callers from “The Other Side”. Again, I’m not talking about the “Tin Foil Hat” crowd, but callers who actually have an intelligent, if opposite view. Conservatives will treat them with respect, while still trying to contradict their comments. Assuming there is no name calling or ranting from the caller, they are treated well. Often the host will put out the call for liberal callers. But on leftist radio, first it’s hard to find a conservative caller who is not a member of the tin foil hat club. Not because they don’t exist, but because the lib’s won’t put them on the air. But when one sneaks through, one with an intelligent point, they are still ridiculed and treated like a wacko.

Is this cold, hard science? No, this is my opinion, and yes, it is possible that I am slanting it my way. I don’t think I am, I’m not trying to, but it is possible. By the way, that previous sentence, the one where I state that I may be bias, is not one you will often hear from a liberal. No, that’s not true: replace “not often” with “never”.

Here are a few more differences I have noticed between liberals and conservatives:

Liberals scream and yell when no-bid contracts were awarded to Halliburton for reconstruction in Iraq, and yet didn’t utter a peep when Bill Clinton awarded no-bid contracts to Halliburton for reconstruction in the Balkans. The fact is, no-bid contracts are common during war time, and Halliburton, while not perfect, has the most successful track record in foreign development.

Liberals describe themselves as “Peacemakers”, while at the same time labeling Republicans as “Warmongers”, yet four of the last six wars/conflicts that Americans have entered they have entered under Democratic rule.

Liberals have a very hard time condemning Islamic fanatics for fear of upsetting the overall Muslim population in America, a population that numbers 1.4 million, or ½ of one percent of the American population. However, Liberals jump at the chance to condemn Christian Fanatics, often HOPEING to upset the overall Christian population in America, numbering over 200 million, or 76% of population.

According to my liberal friends, 70% of Americans do not support the war in Iraq. I have not yet found a poll that reflects that exact number, although I will admit that I feel a majority of Americans are against the war. The most recent CNN Poll asks “Do you favor or oppose the war in Iraq”, 34% favored, 65% opposed. Regardless of the exact numbers, most liberals use these numbers as a “mandate” to end the war. HOWEVER, a similar majority of Americans support efforts to end immigration, and yet my liberal friends are not announcing a mandate to end immigration – quite the opposite in fact.

Again, the views expressed ARE those of the management here at Lost Iowan Diary, and while they are in no way scientific findings, if you look deep in your heart you know I’m right.


Jody said...

I'm blushing! :)

Iowa Bob said...

No reason to Blush Jody, you have a great blog and I have had a great time reading your posts.

I am pleased to have you as a reader.

Anonymous said...

great post, I read this one, it is a little, okay a lot harsh on liberalism, but i enjoyed it