Saturday, November 3, 2007

Isn't The Left Even Pretending To Support Our Troops Anymore?

According to The Washington Post, US Forces have “dealt devastating and perhaps irreversible blows to al-Qaeda in Iraq.”

Additionally, it has been reported that since the surge came into effect in June, the number of US casualties is at the lowest point in 19 months. There were 120 combat deaths in the month of May (one month before the surge officially began) , and only 27 deaths from hostile action in October. Granted, that is still 27 too many, but this is a HUGE improvement, and yet the mainstream media is silent.

Some other post-surge numbers: The number of roadside bombings is down by half since June, as are overall attacks. There were 1600 overall attacks in June 2007 compared to 600 overall attacks in October 2007. Iraqi civilian deaths down from 3,000 in December 2006 to under 900 civilian deaths in October 2007, and again the media remains silent.

With all of this success from the surge, you would expect these successes to be hailed at home. Instead, the debate over the war continues as ever, impervious to news that doesn’t fit a narrative of despair – even when it is trumpeted on the front page of The Washington Post.

Oh, there actually was one piece of news regarding the war that WAS covered by the mainstream media this week – the fact that 20% of Democrats polled this week said it would be GODD if America were to lose the war in Iraq. What happened to my country…..


cwilcox said...

How do you comment when someone fails to recognize that there is a difference between supporting the troops and supporting the war? When you buy into that kind of launguage Bob you buy into Cheney-Bush mania that cuts benefits for soldiers, send our troops to battle in the front end inadequately protected, (armored humvee's and flak jackets) undermines efforts to provide adequate medical support for troops home from the war, and appear to the rest of us to care more about winning and the macho reflection that paints upon you than you actually care about soldiers who have bullets flying past their heads for a war that the greatest democracy in the world does not support! Remember? We are a democracy and three fourths of Americans don't want this war. And all the arm chair generals should keep this in mind. If our forces did prevail to some neo-con definition of a "win" it wouldn't be "we won" It would be our troops won. Most of those who are speaking the loudest in the media and in our government, who support this war, have never served.

Iowa Bob said...

Chris, let me take you to task on one thing: You say that 3/4 of Americans don't want this war. If you want to look at it another way, I'd say 100% of Americans don't WANT this war - I don't WANT this or any other war - the big question is what do we do. Do we keep fighting the war and TRY to win - whatever a win is defined as - do we pull out completely, or do we start pulling out and try to get the troops home as quickly as feasible while minimizing the damage to Iraq that a full blown pull out would cause.

My main point is first that those are very impressive improvements, and the mainstream media has all but ignored it. If these numbers would have happened during the first four months following a Democrat going into the White House, they'd be front page news.

The other thing is I'm blown away that 20% of Democrats want us to LOSE this war. And this is not a loss on paper, this is a loss that, if allowed, could lead to tens of thousands of lost human lives, American and otherwise, and this is what one in five of your party WANTS. Amazing.

I don't debate what you say about the bonehead moves the right has made, including cutting benefits and the issues with medical care. These are not moves that I support at all. As for sending our troops to battle in the front end inadequately protected, I'd say that is a bipartisan embarassment.

The bottom line is that I don't think "I support the troops, and I support them by ignoring their victories" makes a good bumper sticker.

Iowa Bob said...

One other thing. In the poll in which 20% of Democrats stated that they would like to see the US lose in Iraq (God that still blows my mind), 5% of Republicans said the same thing. While the number is smaller, the sentiment still sickens me, and I have no room for these people on the right.

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