U So Ted Kennedy endorses Barack Obama today. I’m not sure that’s a good thing, but for Obama it probably is. I just hope for Kennedy’s sake – and every other Senator and Congressman (I’m sorry, congressperson) that Obama win’s the nomination, because if Hillary wins she will make those who supported her opponent pay.
It’s odd that the elephant is the symbol of the Republican party, and not the Democrats, because if there is one universal truth, it’s the fact that Hillary Clinton NEVER forgets. NEVER.
U Well, I just had to see what this was all about. The Huffington Post ran the following headline today: Clinton Camp Says Obama Is Now "The Black Candidate" . Well, I have to wonder if that’s a ringing endorsement for the Clinton campaign, that after a year of running against this guy NOW she realizes he’s a black man.
And I really loved this from the same article: “...Clinton campaign strategists denied any intentional effort to stir the racial debate. But they said they believe the fallout has had the effect of branding Obama as "the black candidate," a tag that could hurt him outside the South”
Can you believe these people? And do you know what the sad thing is? If the Clinton’s are successful in destroying Obama’s campaign, in time people will forget these acts and actually consider the Clintons as defenders of civil liberties. Sure they are, right up there with David Duke. Actually, I’d put Duke on a higher moral level, because at least he doesn’t try to hide his true intentions.

U Bank robbers hit a Washington Mutual bank in Palm Desert, California this last Friday. What made this robbery even a little more interesting was that actress Carol Channing was a patron in the bank at the time. As this story was reported across the nation, I’m sure that millions of Americans had the same reaction: Carol Channing is still alive?
U Here’s another great headline I ran across today on the internet: Bone Gives IPod to Japan Prime Minister Fukada, Seeks Support In Anti-Poverty Campaign. Really, is that all it takes? Wow, well in that case I have a slightly used Playstation 2 that I’m willing to donate to rid the world of juvenile diabetes, and a portable DVD player to end the ethnic cleansing in Kenya.
Actually, the funniest thing about this story is that Bono gave the IPod to the PM in the company of Bill Gates. Bono, dude, you could have at least given him a Zune.
U This is weird. Gordon B. Hinckley, the longest-serving president of the Mormon church died Sunday, a church spokesman said. He was 97. The weird part is that Greece's Orthodox Church leader, Archbishop Christodoulos, died Monday at his home of cancer, church officials said. He was 69.
I don’t know, but if I were the Pope I’d be pretty nervous right about now.
U Three days ‘til Vegas, Baby.
I wasn't sure where you were going with that last one...
Bono can't give a Zune... The iPod is part of his "red" campaign. But, seriously, giving spendy items to help poverty? Seems counter productive.
Yikes,I know EXACTLY where you went with that last comment. SO maybe if I wasn't scared before when I generally understand your writings I might be now, or at least your blog readers may be scared for me. Have a great time in Vegas.
Yeah ladies, I think I'd be worried if I started to understand my mind as well. Thanks for the comments, I look forward to hearing what you have to say more in the future.
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