It’s no secret that I don ‘t like Hillary, but given her gracious exit from Iowa, the State I was born in and love, I now have zero respect for her. Clinton’s opening remark in her New Hampshire campaign: “Iowa doesn’t have a good track record in determining who’s going to be the presidential nominee.”
I suppose it’s better than saying “If I don’t win here I’ll go on to the next state and tell them that you don’t know anything”, but lets face it, that’s exactly what she is saying.
I watched a lot of Hillary’s campaigning in Iowa over the last year, and I don’t remember her telling potential Iowa voters about how poor their political judgment was? Honestly, I think the only poor judgment that the Iowa voters showed was letting her come in as high as third.
Lets face it, Hillary Clinton is so transparent and heedless in her attempts at calculation, embodied in that sore loser kiss off to the Iowans she professed such love for up until the day after the election. In this respect she’s taken on the worst traits of her husband, treating voters the way her husband has treated women, only even more clumsily.
And then today Hillary got teary, almost breaking down during a news conference. Why? I’m not going to try to offer an opinion, but the thing that I find most interesting is that the discussion of the event on the Democratic blogs, such as democraticunderground.com, is actually swinging toward Hillary’s actions being calculated or a meltdown. On that website 17% of those voting said “Because she truly felt she had a lot to offer the country and now she won't get that opportunity”, while almost twice as many stated “Because she has a lot of ambition and a big ego and her biggest dream may be crashing down”. And this is from Democrats!
All I know is that Hillary Clinton has been telling us since day one that she is ready to be the President the day she takes office, and that she, and she alone can handle any tough issue that the president may have to deal with. If elected, lets hope that she never has to deal with a crisis worse than coming in second in New Hampshire, as that seems to be where

One other VERY IMPORTANT item: Some of you may have seen the picture on the right in newspapers or other outlets. It has made it into newspapers as far apart as the Sacramento Bee, and the Miami Herald. This photo was taken last week in Iowa on Caucus Day. I don’t include it here merely because it’s a darn cute baby, but I include it here because the baby in question is 15 month-old Caelan Halsted, who is the daughter of fellow blogger and frequent responder here Jody Halsted of http://www.iowageekonline.com/. Congratulations Jody, does this mean that Caelan is announcing her candidacy for the 2044 election?
That is one cute baby! I hope that scary looking man behind her never got ahold of her! LOL! I'M JUST KIDDING! I do like the fact that the baby is turning away from Thompson and looking to the left however! okay, I'm kidding again. I can't help myself. The parents should truly be proud. The wires would not have picked that picture up except for the precious look on Caelan's face.
Thanks, Bob, for putting Caelan on your site. Senator Thompson was incredibly kind to her atention grabbing, saying to me, "It's ok, I'm used to it," referring, of course, to his own 1-year-old.
As for Hillary- nothing she does is spontaneous. She is far to controlled for that. I wouldn't be surprised of the questions turns out to be another plant. It just sounded scripted to me.
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