Next Friday (February 1st) will be Cindy’s and my 22nd anniversary. Wow, I can hardly believe that it’s been 22 years, and at the same time I can hardly remember my life without her. And as I prepare to start my new job the Monday after our anniversary, My wonderful spouse has informed me that we will be spending three days next week in the happiest place on earth. That’s right, we’re going to Las Vegas. Okay, Okay, I know that Disneyland is suppose to be the happiest place on earth, but I’ve been to Disneyland, and I’ve been to Las Vegas, and I know which one makes ME happier.

Next to the Mrs., I love Las Vegas. In fact, when we finally do make the move back to Iowa, the thing I will miss the most are my twice-yearly trips to Vegas. Vegas is a short six hour drive from our home (and a long six hour drive back), And I generally hit the town every January and July, although last year I wasn’t able to make the July trip, so it’s been almost 13 months since my last trip, and that is too long. Also, I generally make the trip with a group of hard partying friends (I’m the designated driver), and it’s been a number of years since I was last in Vegas with Cindy and without the kids, so I’m really looking forward to the calmer nature and the time spent with my wife.
I’m already restudying my Blackjack tables and getting ready to hit the tables. I’m pretty good at Blackjack, and usually come out ahead. But don’t worry, even if I lose at the tables, I always come out ahead at the Buffett.
Man I love my wife.
Just FYI: There are great packages to Vegas from Des Moines- non stop charter. Vegas is cheap from here. Maybe it's because we aren't spending so much on houses that we have disposeable income. :)
PS Happy anniversary
$99 flights from Cedar Rapids too Bob. Non stop flights too! And I heard there is some guy in Waterloo who will fly you there in his crop duster for a hundred bucks but part of the deal is you have to share your room with him.
Not sure if you noticed or not but the last two posts where I have linked a book I have linked to Borders. Who loves ya baby?
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