Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Call My Travel Agent And Cancel My New Hampshire Vacation

Sad Day. I came home from work today ready to settle in for the night and watch sports, and my favorite sport of late is watch Hillary get her butt kicked. And boy, was she going to get her butt kicked tonight. And then…….

Oh, well. As sad as I am, I can’t even begin to imagine how my friend Chris, the biggest Obama supporter out there, must be feeling tonight. But we still have a long way to go in this race, and coming in three points behind Hillary when you were 20 points behind her six weeks ago is not exactly defeat. I still am pulling for Obama, but you can never count out the Clinton Political Machine.

On one hand I should actually be supporting Hillary for the Democratic nomination. Why? As a conservative Hillary is the one you want to run against, because I do not think she can win a general election. However, ANYTHING is possible, and do we really want to chance that she might win it all? Yikes!

One other thing to keep in mind. Obama won in a state (Iowa) with a black population of 2%, and just came in a tight second in a state where blacks make up less than 3% of the population. So How is Obama going to fare in states with a larger black population. Well, common sense says that the black population will vote for Obama, but don’t forget that in his last election, Bill Clinton received over 93% of the black vote, and a lot of those people are going to stay with Hillary.

What we really need to see right now is John Edwards drop out of the race and throw his support to Obama. It’s well known that Edwards dislikes the Clinton’s, and it is also fairly safe to assume that Edwards voters would be more likely to support Obama than Clinton, ESPECIALLY if Edwards threw his support to Obama. Look John, short of a Barrack/Hillary sex tape being released, you are not going to win the nomination. If you really want change, like you say you do, than do something about it and support Obama.

Over on the Republican side, congratulations to John McCain. McCann is my number two choice after Fred, and given Fred’s dismal numbers in New Hampshire, he is not long for this campaign. You really have to wonder if Rudy can come back after all but skipping Iowa and New Hampshire. If he does, he will re-write history. Frankly, I think whoever convinced Rudy to use this strategy has their head up their caucus.

But the bottom line is that on both sides of the aisle this has been – and is looking to continue to be – one hell of an election. I received my ballot in the mail today (I always vote absentee), and I’m going to have to hang on until the last possible to fill it out. That is, except for Proposition 223b, those damn greedy orphans…..


Anonymous said...

OMG! Our posts were nearly identical! I could have gotten by with a cut and paste! Peace out bro'

Jody said...

I think you'll see a huge Fred surge in South Carolina. And Rudy has been concentrating on "Super Tuesday"- I wouldn't count him out yet. I just want to see Huckabee down at the bottom. Could you imagine? {{shudder}}

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