Below is the Student “Code of Responsibility” drafted by Bergen Community College in New Jersey
In the full knowledge of the commitment that I am freely willing to undertake as a student, I promise to respect each and every member of the college community without regard to race, creed, political ideology, lifestyle orientation, gender or social status sparing no effort to preserve the dignity of those I will come in contact with as a member of the college community. I promise to Bergen Community College that I will follow this code of responsibility.
1. Honesty, integrity and respect for all will guide my personal conduct.
2. I will embrace and celebrate differing perspectives intellectually.
3. I will build an inclusive community enriched by diversity.
4. I am willing to respect and assist those individuals who are less fortunate.
5. I promise my commitment to civic engagement and to serve the needs of the community to the best of my ability.
Now are all of these things admirable? Well, I doubt that there are many out there opposed to honesty, integrity, and such. But to REQUIRE respect? What is that all about?
And before you say “Yeah, but this is just a symbolic action meant to provoke honest debate”, consider this quote from a college spokesperson today: "The pledge would not be optional .... If you don't agree, it is President Ryan's vision that you cannot attend the school."
And exactly what groups are we applying this “respect” to? Sure, race, creed, and gender are pretty black and white. But what about “Political Ideology?” Do we need to respect White Supremacists or the Klan? Do we need to respect Communists, Socialists of Fascists? And let me ask you this: Do you really think that the liberal minds that came up with this “code” respect conservatives or pro-military groups?
Look, I think that the university has a responsibility to make sure that no member of any group is denied their rights. Should a university force you to like and respect, for example, gay people? No, I don’t think they should. Should they stop you from attacking – verbally or physical – someone because they are gay? Of course they should.
Hey, I know this is a radical idea, but how about we increase respectability for groups through education, understanding, and open dialog. And how about we also understand that certain groups (such as the white supremacists, or any color supremacists for that matter) don’t deserve our respect.
And having read this code, does it surprise anyone that the banner below is prominently displayed at the top of the Bergen Community College website – almost as big as the name of the college? Liberals!

On a completely unrelated note, I think Mike Huckabee has officially torpedoed his campaign (Not that it was all that strong to begin with.) Huckabee told a Michigan audience the following on Monday:
"I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution, but I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the Living God. And that's what we need to do -- to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view."
While I think most of the arguments for “Separation of Church and State” are full of water, I think Mike stepped over the line on this one. Sure, this will play well with evangelicals, but there are not enough evangelicals out there to push Huckabee into the White House, and he needs to broaden his base. Statements like this ain’t gonna do it.
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