Saturday, January 12, 2008

Slow News Day

Crazy day, not enough time to really get in deep on any single topic, but there are a few things going on that I thought I’d comment on.

U Dennis gets his way: Well this kind of came out of left field. It seems that Dennis Kucinich is unhappy with the New Hampshire results, and has called for a manual recount, and surprisingly, he’s getting it. Well, he’s getting it because he’s paying for it, so because of that, I don’t have a problem with it.

Now Dennis only got 1.4% of the vote, so I don’t think that he’s calling for a recount because he thinks he won the thing, but because he thinks that there are “serious and credible reports, allegations and rumors” about the integrity of the primary results.

Do I think they are going to find anything? Probably not, BUT if they do find that Clinton didn’t actually receive the votes she did, her candidacy is over. But before you take that as me stirring things up, know that I really think nothing will come of this

U In other political news Bill Clinton today said “There’s nothing ‘fairy tale’ about his (Obama’s) campaign. It’s real, it’s strong, and he might win.” Clinton said this today in a phone interview for the Rev. Al Sharpton’s Radio One network talk show.

Clinton said his “fairy tale” remark on the eve of the New Hampshire primary at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., and had accused Obama of misrepresenting himself on the Iraq war.

Now personally, I’m a believer that you shouldn’t speak out about something you know nothing about, which means that I fully support Bill Clinton in his attacks on Obama. Why? Well think about it, is there really anybody out there who knows more about misrepresenting their stance on the Iraq war than Bill Clinton? I Didn’t think so.

U You couldn’t make stuff like this up: Animal rights group PETA has asked the jail housing a man accused of murdering his girlfriend and possibly eating her body parts not to feed him meat.

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals faxed a letter Thursday to the Smith County Sheriff's Jail in Tyler, Texas, asking that 25-year-old Christopher Lee McCuin be placed on a strict vegetarian diet to prevent him from being "involved in any senseless killing" while he's behind bars, said PETA Vice President Bruce Friedrich.

"Only in a culture where people routinely kill and eat living, feeling beings — corpses — would anybody think to kill and either eat or pretend to eat a human corpse," Friedrich said in a phone interview.

You might be surprised to know that I actually understand where PETA is coming from here. I too believe that there is a special place in this world for all of God’s creatures, and it’s right next to the mashed potatoes.


Anonymous said...

"there is a special place in this world for all of God’s creatures, and it’s right next to the mashed potatoes" LMAO! I love that! I may be quoting you the next time I do stand up.

Jody said...

It would be interesting, though, if there were found to be inconsistancies with Hillary's votes received...

I prefer my animal next to a lovely twice-baked potato. :)