Sometimes something happens in the news that, while not significant, is interesting, and you want to comment on it. Sometimes it’s better to hold off for a few days, and then comment around the “news surrounding the news”.

But Bill, if you’re going to nod off during a campaign stop, do you really think it it’s smart to A) nod off at a service honoring Dr. King, B) when said service is ON Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and C) the speaker you are nodding off during is none other than Martin Luther King III? And did I mention that Mr. Clinton was seated directly behind King III (well, you can see that from the picture to the right).
But to me, the story isn’t so much the fact that Bill nodded off, something that by the way Bill has a habit of doing (He fell asleep during Ronald Reagan’s funeral – does that mean that Clinton puts Reagan and Dr. King on the same level of interest?). What I want to focus on today are some of the blog comments about the incident, not from the “evil conservative” sites, but from The Huffington Post, a liberal blog. Here we go (Huffpo comments in red, my comments in black):
“This type of news is all the media can come up with. TABLOID fluff. Meanwhile more soldiers were killed in Iraq yesterday but that is old news isn't it?” – Certainly the death of any soldier in Iraq is more important than Bill’s nap, but the fact is those deaths will occur whether or not this story happened or is covered. Had the press pushed the nap story as being as important as any news coming out of Iraq you might have a point, but I don’t remember seeing any “Nation mourns as Bill takes nap” headlines.
“Obviously a doctored photograph.” – This is one of my favorite comments, because it was echoed by so many other people making comments. First of all, do you think that major newspaper chains would run an “obviously” doctored photo? Also, on the same Huffington Post site where the photo appeared was a video of the incident. Also, why would a LIBERAL website like the Huffington Post run a doctored photo of Bill Clinton?
“He has had health problems and being exhausted isn't an indication a person is a racist. It means they're human. I used to support both Clinton and Obama equally but all the outrageous attacks accusing the Clintons of being racist has really made me decide that I don't want Obama for President.” – I included this quote to show you the Clinton’s tactics are actually working. Anyone of any intelligence who has watched this campaign closely knows that the only time Obama has ever brought up race at all is when he is responding to a Clinton attack. But the thing is, the Clinton’s know that most people do not follow the campaign closely, so their little “scorched earth” strategy against Obama is actually working.
"Because Axelrod and Plouff were behind the camera, sent it to all of the media circuits and threatened to sue them if they didn't release it.” – Okay, I have to admit, this one had me puzzled. I googled “Axelrod & Plouff” and found out that they are advisors to the Obama campaign. According to “Lonestarr”, the nut bag who left this comment, Axlerod and Plouff videotaped this (because God knows there probably wasn’t any media coverage at an MLK Jr. Day event where the former president and MLK III were speaking). So then they threatened to sue the networks who didn’t run it. Wow.
“There's nothing wrong with dozing off in the midst of a campaign for your spouse. What is most disturbing, is when he wakes up and feigns attention. The hand cupping the ear to hear better, the phony nods of agreement... He lies even when he's sleeping.” – “He lies even when he’s sleeping.” Brilliant
"We have lots of serious issues in this country. I don't want people distracted by these petty issues and telling everyone "you have to be very, very, very, very, very careful when you talk about the civil rights era" and calling everyone racists.” – I chose to include this one because it actually makes sense – something you don’t see too often on a liberal blog.
“F'crissake, it's a photo from the NY Post. You'd have to be a total moron to rely on that rag. For all you know, that photo was taken while he blinked, or looked down for a second. How dopey. This website has a lot of gotcha' misleading blogs, doctored photos, and misleading headlines. Some of you are just too willing, too gullible to be believed.” – And some of YOU are so gullible that you believe the Clintons are not capable of any wrong, despite overwhelming evidence. Sure, I too think the NY Post is not the most reliable source, but two minutes on Google would have given you the same info from much more reliable sources. And again, viewing the video pretty much says it all.
On another subject, an AOL straw poll today shows that Hillary Clinton has the support of 46% of the people voting in their straw poll, and Obama has the support of 45%. Hillary has 3,784 votes, and Obama 3,801. Now only when a Clinton is involved can the candidate with fewer votes be the one with a higher percentage of the votes.
Until tomorrow………….
“There's nothing wrong with dozing off in the midst of a campaign for your spouse. What is most disturbing, is when he wakes up and feigns attention. The hand cupping the ear to hear better, the phony nods of agreement... He lies even when he's sleeping.” – “He lies even when he’s sleeping.” Brilliant
"We have lots of serious issues in this country. I don't want people distracted by these petty issues and telling everyone "you have to be very, very, very, very, very careful when you talk about the civil rights era" and calling everyone racists.” – I chose to include this one because it actually makes sense – something you don’t see too often on a liberal blog.
“F'crissake, it's a photo from the NY Post. You'd have to be a total moron to rely on that rag. For all you know, that photo was taken while he blinked, or looked down for a second. How dopey. This website has a lot of gotcha' misleading blogs, doctored photos, and misleading headlines. Some of you are just too willing, too gullible to be believed.” – And some of YOU are so gullible that you believe the Clintons are not capable of any wrong, despite overwhelming evidence. Sure, I too think the NY Post is not the most reliable source, but two minutes on Google would have given you the same info from much more reliable sources. And again, viewing the video pretty much says it all.
On another subject, an AOL straw poll today shows that Hillary Clinton has the support of 46% of the people voting in their straw poll, and Obama has the support of 45%. Hillary has 3,784 votes, and Obama 3,801. Now only when a Clinton is involved can the candidate with fewer votes be the one with a higher percentage of the votes.
Until tomorrow………….
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