Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Political Tidbits......

U Citizens United, a conservative group, must abide by campaign finance laws if it wants to run ads promoting its anti-Hillary Rodham Clinton movie, a federal court ruled Tuesday. The court ruling means the group must either keep its ads off the air or attach a disclaimer and disclose its donors.

Campaign regulations prohibit corporations and unions from paying for ads that run close to elections and identify candidates. Citizens United argued that the advertisements promoted the movie and should be treated as commercial speech as opposed to political advocacy

Now if promoting this movie truly violates campaign regulations, then so be it. My question though is why THIS movie can’t be promoted, but Farenheit 9/11 which did identify a candidate (Bush), was allowed to be promoted. Seriously, does anyone have a legitimate answer for that?

By the way, you can view the trailer for the movie and purchase it here:

U Okay, here’s what I propose: We should pick a week – any week – an for that week the Obama and Clinton camps should run on nothing but race and gender. Then, once that week is over, no one brings up either of those subjects again. Okay?

Look, we have had numerous veiled racial comments thrown out this week, most of which have been blown out of proportion. For example, Hillary’s comments about Martin Luther King, Jr. and LBJ. Technically, what she said was correct. Was it a little insensitive, especially coming as close as it did to MLK’s birthday? Sure it was. Was it racial? Probably not.

So lets get it all out there, and deal with it. Rather than apply meaning to every little comment, lets just address it, and then bury it. Of course this will never happen, so the other option is to just grow up and act like adults. Yeah, I don’t see that happening either.

U All of this implosion on the Democratic side has been very interesting to watch, and honestly I don’t know who to root for. Oh, being a conservative it’s unlikely I would vote for either Obama or Clinton (and lets face it, those are the only two with a shot – pick up your ball and go home John and Dennis). And frankly, I would rather run against Hillary than Obama because I feel she has more skeletons in her closet than Jeffery Dahmer. But, on the off-chance that the Democratic Nominee actually gets elected, I can certainly live with an Obama White House more than I can a Hillary one. And while some polls show that Clinton would be a stronger candidate, I disagree.

And lets face it, we are not talking about an off-chance, are we? Right now – not knowing who the nominee is going to be on either side – I’d say it’s fifty/fifty as to which party takes the White House. And regardless of who the nominees are, it’s going to be a tight race. Honestly, I think I’m going to have to stay with Obama, because just now as I was thinking of the POSSIBILITY of a Hillary Presidency, I pee’d myself a little.

U Well, we had another Democratic debate tonight. If you’re like me, you need a little….shall we say “incentive” to get through these debates. I used to play a drinking game where I took a shot every time the candidate dodged a question and answered it with a completely different twist. I found that this generally puts me under the coffee table about ten to twelve minutes into the debate.

Not wanting to do that, I revised the rules, and tonight we only took a shot every time Hillary mentioned that she had “35 years of Experience.” Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I had better go and lie down…..

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