Sunday, December 23, 2007

And you want to vote for this woman because….?

Okay, the Iowa Caucuses are less than two weeks away, and New Hampshire is right behind. While I have yet to decide on a Republican candidate – most of them are “fine”, none of them outstanding – I know one thing for sure: A Hillary Clinton Presidency would be a disaster. Over the course of the next couple of posts I want to lay out some of the things that Mrs. Clinton has said and done in her past. Taken separately, none of these things is enough to derail her campaign, but taken as a whole I think you will really see a picture emerging that shows you who Hillary Clinton really is.

Please, if you know anyone who is considering voting for this women, direct them to this post. I have spoken to a few people who plan to vote for this women, although surprisingly not one of them could name an actual accomplishment other than “She’s a women” and “She was first lady”. Okay, but shouldn’t there be more?

Lets look at a little bit of Hillary’s past

U Even though Hillarys “landmark” Book, It Takes A Village was actually written by ghostwriter Barbara Feinman Todd (based on interviews with Clinton), Hillary to this day refuses to give Todd any credit for a role in writing the book.

U Hillary doesn’t use “dirty tricks” like the Republicans. As a matter of fact, she says “Oh, you better be careful about that former drug use, the Republicans will pounce on that.” And somehow, this actually works. Then again, the number of Mensa members in the mainstream media is pretty low.

U Hillary told a group of New Zealanders she was named after famous New Zealander Sir Edmund Hilary, the first man to scale Mt. Everest. One problem: Sir Edmund climbed the mountain five years after Hillary was born, meaning she was named after a person no one knew on the other side of the world.

U Hillary told Katie Couric on the Today Show that daughter Chelsea narrowly missed being at Ground Zero on 9/11, having gone for a jog at the time of the attacks. In fact Chelsea, according to her own account, was “alone at a friend’s union Square apartment in Manhattan” and was unaware of the attacks until said friend phoned her. Could Hillary be mistaken? Well, we are talking about more than a week after 9/11, so Hill and Chels probably had talked since then.

U Hillary’s campaign “plants” questions at her own press conferences (not to mention Republican debates). And if you think this was a “one time thing”, watch the video of Grinnell college student Muriel Gallo-Chasanoff – the girl who asked the planted question – explaining how she was approached. This was a well organized plan that was surely used more than once.

U In a 1997 race-relations forum for teenagers in Boston, Hillary revealed “the pain” of a “childhood encounter”: “During a junior high soccer game a goalie told me ‘I wish people like you would freeze’” Stunned, the future first lady asked how she could feel that way when she did not even know her. “I don’t have to know you” the goalie shot back “to know I hate you”. Wow, that must have been devastating, or at least it would have been if it had happened. Problem is, there was no girls soccer in Chicago until 1972 – Hillary was in junior high in the 60’s. Kind of reminds me of Bill claiming how sad he was at the burning of Black churches in Arkansas during his youth – until a reporter turned up the embarrassing fact that there were zero Black churches burned in Arkansas during Clinton’s youth.

U During Bill Clinton’s first run for reelection as Governor of Arkansas, The Chicago Tribune sent a reporter to follow Hillary around on the campaign trail – considering Hillary was a Chicago native. After a day of campaign stops and chicken dinners, a women came up to Hillary and handed her a handmade pair of earrings, shaped like Razorback Pigs – The University of Arkansas mascot. Once the women walked away, Hillary turned to the reporter and said “Do you see the kind of shit I have to put up with?” Poor Hillary.

Now none of these examples are enough to discount Hillary as a candidate, and maybe all of them together aren’t enough. Heck, it’s not like she was caught with the FBI files of 900 Republicans or something like that. What’s that? She was? Oh well……

But I do think that these examples start to paint a picture of who this women really is. But tomorrow we will start to fill that painting in, showing you even more of the real Hillary.

And one thing to my liberal fans – okay, fans is probably not the right word – before you start defending these lies, and defend them if you want, would any of you let even one of these lies go if it was George Bush we were talking about, and not Hillary? I didn’t think so…..

1 comment:

Jody said...

I weigh my politicians evenly. I was put off by Hillary saying she expected to be treated "as an equal" and then pulling out the gender card when she was being "picked on" after the famous question about driver's licenses for illegal aliens. That turned me off.

As an example on the other side: at the beginning of the race Jim Gilmore (of Virginia) was giving a speech in which he said "Rudy McRomney will tell you he is a conservative. He isn't" That put me off.

I know honesty is sorely lacking in our country (a terrible shame and something that would be corrected if people were as Christian- as they all claim to be in this race- as they say they are).

I'm not sure why "whatever it takes to win" is ok with us as Americans. Bad form is bad form. Period.