Monday, December 10, 2007

Just Ramblin' Tonight Folks.....

Okay, before I get started today, I have a favor to ask you: Leave a comment. According to my counter I am getting 10 to 15 hits a day, but generally only one or two comments (usually Chris and Jody – thanks guys). I know I have a few additional readers, but I don’t know who you are, so please, from time to time (today would be a good one) leave a comment, even if it’s just to say “Hi”.

U I was on eBay last night, one of my favorite online activities, and on the homepage they had a ad promoting eBay as finding the perfect Christmas gift. Under the banner “For Him” They showed a cherry 1969 Rally Sport Camaro (which you can buy your husband for only $69,000), and for the banner “For Kids” they showed a Nintendo Wi. Then, under the “For Her” banner they showed… wait for it… a VACUUM CLEANER. Look, I’m the last person to get PC on someone, but come on. Even I was offended by that one.

U I was listening to a Fresno radio station this afternoon while I was out shopping for a new bed for my son (and the price of those things is fast approaching the cost of those Camaro’s), when I heard them claim that “temperatures are going to continue to continue to be coooldd (said the way you say “buuurr” while your teeth are chatting), with the high only reaching 55 degrees today." I had to laugh as I thought of my friends back in Iowa, where the just got five additional inches of snow dumped on them, and the temperature was 3 degrees this morning.

U Last night I took in the new Coen brothers movie, No Country For Old Men. Now I love the Coen Brothers (Fargo, Raising Arizona, O’ Brother Where Art Thou), and this one ranks right up there with their best. Not that this is a film everyone will enjoy, the Coen’s are definitely an acquired taste. If you do see the film, pay close attention to the scene when Josh Brolin’s character, recently shot, is walking bleeding into Mexico. Three drunken frat boys are making their way across the same bridge into the U.S. when they encounter Brolin. “I’ll give you $500 for that jacket” Brolin says to one of the kids, and the transaction takes place. Pretty riveting, eh? Okay, that’s not the cool part. As Brolin reaches the Mexican side, he collapses, and the back of his new jacket says “Templeton Eagles”

Okay, that may not excite you, but it resulted in a round of applause in my theatre. Why? Templeton is the small town that I live in, and the same town where Brolin went to grade school. He and his wife Diane Ladd recently sold their Templeton ranch and are currently looking for a new home in town. And while I admit that still probably doesn’t trip your trigger, I thought it was pretty cool.

U As I kid I was always fascinated with The Guinness Book of World Records, and I always wanted to be in there, but I bet Matthew McKnight hopes nobody manages to top his feat in the Guinness Book of World Records. That's because McKnight holds the record for "Greatest Distance Thrown in a Car Accident"

McKnight wasn’t even thrown from a car, but rather was helping victims of another accident when he was struck by a car doing 70 mph. McKnight was thrown 118 feet and suffered two dislocated shoulders plus a broken shoulder, pelvis, leg and tailbone. I’ve since rethought my desire to be in the book.


cwilcox said...

How much were they asking for that vacume cleaner Bob? I haven't bought a gift for the missus yet. I was out shopping today and I sure was thankful that it had warmed up from three degrees. By mid-day it had made it up to 18! And it wasn't one of those dry 18's either. It was sleeting all day. One of those days where no matter what you did your windshield kept icing up. The only way to really fight it is to blast your defroster until you can't stand to be in the car because of the heat and then you still have to continually have to use your anti-freeze wiper fluid to cut through the accumulating ice. GOD I LOVE IT HERE!
Chris... from Idaho?

Jody said...

Just sitting here waiting for the next round of weather...

BTW- Diane LANE. I so want to be her when I grow up. Well,not th crazy liberal part, maybe just the smokin' hot looks.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i was quite amazed when i saw his Templeton Eagles jacket. My kids went there and I had to tell my daughter, who graduated THS in '95 i think it was. She was not suprised since he showed up at her graduation, being he was family friends with one of her classmates. I caught sight of him shortly after his Mom's fatal collision with a tree in Adelaide. He had just come out of the old Templeton Market, dressed in grungy jeans and boots. He and his son looked got into his pickup and drove away. Josh Brolin certainly is very short in stature.

Unknown said...

Just saw the movie last night, and had to laugh when I saw the Templeton Eagles jacket. We own a house in Templeton that we are moving to from Nor Cal. My daughter may end up going there in about 12 years.