Thursday, December 13, 2007

How Does ANYONE Take This Woman Seriously?

Okay, it’s been a couple of days since I tackled politics, so let’s get back to the big game.

Bill Shaheen, high-ranking advisor to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign said Wednesday that rival Barack Obama’s public admission that he has used cocaine and marijuana could seriously hinder the Illinois senator’s chances of winning a general election matchup. "The Republicans are not going to give up without a fight … and one of the things they're certainly going to jump on is his drug use," Shaheen said. "It'll be, 'When was the last time? Did you ever give drugs to anyone? Did you sell them to anyone? There are so many openings for Republican dirty tricks. It's hard to overcome," he added

So what was this, a public service announcement? We don’t even need to wait for the Republican dirty tricks, because we’ve got the Clinton dirty tricks.

Okay, we have the campaign advice “helping” Obama defend his drug use - but Hillary didn’t know. We have the “We have something really big against Obama, but we’re not going to use it" – but Hillary didn’t know. We have the planted questions – but Hillary didn’t know. On the same day of the Obama/Drug debacle, The Clinton campaign fired one of its volunteer county coordinators in Iowa after that person forwarded an e-mail falsely stating that Barack Obama is a Muslim – but Hillary didn’t know.

And this, from a Washington Post story ”(Michael) Moore charged that Bush had "spent at least four years planning the attacks of September 11, working alongside Bin Ladin in Afghanistan." Moore attributed this detail to background information the Clinton campaign had been collecting.” But Hillary didn’t know. They even attacked Obama’s Kindergarten aspirations, and when that backfired they claimed it was a joke. There in a fight-for-their-life campaign, and they have time for a joke? – But Hillary didn’t know.

So Hillary didn’t know. Interesting, considering this quote from Monday’s International Herald Tribune: “Clinton has begun displaying a level of personal interest in the details of the campaign here (Iowa) that is unusual for even a presidential candidate named Clinton” Well for someone paying attention to the details, she sure ain’t catching on.

Look, one of two things is going on here. Either Hillary knows exactly what’s going on (the most likely scenario), and she has no issue with throwing people under the bus, people who have devoted a great deal of time and effort to get her elected. Or, she really doesn’t know any of these things are happening, which means that she has no control over her political campaign, and her staff is easily manipulating her. Either way I don’t think these are the actions we seek in a Commander in Chief.

But Hillary keeps telling us that “Experience Counts” Hmmmm, “Experience Counts” Where have I heard that before? Oh that’s right, that was Richard Nixon’s slogan when he ran against JFK in 1960. Appropriate, don’t you think, given that Obama is reminding many on the left of JFK, while Hillary is reminding more and more of us of Richard Nixon!

1 comment:

Jody said...

If Hillary can't control a bunch of campaign staffers don't you wonder if we would drop a bomb somewhere and Hillary "wouldn't know"?