Okay, lets get back to Hillary. Actually, before we go any further, let me address something. These “snippets” of Hillary’s past come from two main sources: The “mainstream” news (I am not repeating only Fox News), and secondly (and mainly) coming from sources close to Hillary such as Dee Dee Meyers, George Stephanopolis, and Dick Morris – All former Clinton “Insiders”.
U Deflecting the attacks directed at her for doing legal work while her husband was governor, she said “this is the sort thing that happens to women who have their own careers and their own lives. And I think it’s a shame, but I guess it’s something that we’re going to have to live with. “
But the criticism she attracted had nothing to do with the problem of juggling careers and a personal life. It had to do with a clear conflict of interest, and was a precursor to the gender card deflections we are seeing today.
U On Whitewater, Hillary claimed the “purpose of the investigations was to discredit the President and the Administration and slow down it’s momentum. Whitewater signaled a new tactic in political warfare: Investigation as a weapon for political destruction.”
The Republicans obviously pursued Whitewater to “slow down” Clinton’s “momentum.” That’s what opposition parties are supposed to do. But they never would have had the chance had the Clinton’s not entered into a shady real estate deal in the first place…..
U Many commentators – and not only those on the right – compare Hillary to Nixon, citing “enemies lists” and paranoia. Consider Michael Chertoff. Senator Hillary voted twice against the confirmation of Chertoff – once as chief of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, and again on his appointment to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington D.C.. What does Hillary have against Chertoff? He served as a special prosecutor to the Republicans on the Senate Whitewater Committee.
Now the fact that she voted against him twice doesn’t prove retaliation, even I know that. The fact that both times he was confirmed 99 to 1 – With Hillary casting the only “Nay” – is suspicious.
U Hillary rarely misspeaks, she is a VERY scripted person. At a January 3rd, 2004 fund-raiser in St. Louis, she invoked the great Indian civil rights leader, Mahatma Gandhi and then, in an attempt at a joke: “Mahatma Gandhi – he ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr Gandhi, you still go to the gas station? A lot of wisdom comes out of that gas station.” Excuse me?
Now this is not so much an indictment of Hillary, as it is the free pass from the press. Had you ever even heard of this? Probably not. But remember when George Allen called that volunteer for his opponent “Macaca?” Is that any more insensitive than Hillary’s comments? And yet Allen is derided by the press, ultimately costing him the Senate and a run at president. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not defending Allen, that was a stupid and insensitive comment. But for Hillary to get away with what she got away with…. Can you say “Double Standard”
U Hillary studied law at Yale, and was a solid student. In the summer of 1971 Hillary took a job clerking for – as she describes in Living History – a “small law firm”, Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein in Oakland, CA. However, TW&B was far from a small firm. It’s lead partner, Robert Treuhaft, and his wife, Jessica Mitford, were long-time members of the American Communist Party, with Treuhaft being the party’s lawyer. As a matter of fact, TW&B was known as Oaklands “Red Lawyers”.

Am I calling Hillary a communist? No, not at all, nor do I believe even in her youth she was. However, given her station at Yale and the fact that she had her choice of summer internships, the fact that she traveled 3,000 miles for THIS job tells you something of her orientation at the time. The fact that she glossed over this part of her life in her autobiography.
As a matter of fact, Hillary goes to great lengths to hide her leftist leanings of her twenties. Like the fact that at Yale Hillary was especially active in the defense of the Black Panthers. Eight members of the extremist group had been charged with the torture and murder of Alex Rackley, whom they suspected of being a government informant. Insight magazine describes how Rackley was “clubbed, burned with cigarettes, doused with boiling water and stabbed with an ice pick before being taken out and shot twice in the head by his comrades.”
Now keep in mind that Hillary VOLUNTEERED to help these people. The fact is, the Panthers were torturers and murderers of black people, and Hillary Clinton organized demonstrations to get them off. And again, it isn’t that Hillary was this left leaning. Heck, I even voted for Carter in 1980, but I don’t run from my past. I think the fact that I was that dumb back then just shows how far I’ve come. And at the time Hillary had a lot of company – Being a leftist radical in the sixties was more the norm than the exception. Times change. We change. She changed, but you’d never know it, because Hillary won’t let us see that side of her.
I will lay off of Hillary tomorrow because it’s Christmas, and no one needs to be reminded of Hillary on Christmas, that is unless you are watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas, in which case it is hard to not think of Hillary.
1 comment:
LOL, Yep, victory was sweet for a moment. The absence of playoff possabilities was realized long before kickoff however. So it was nice to just sit back and watch the Bears kick some Green Bay bootie! I'm thinking maybe Soldier Field was too cold for the poor ol' Packers!
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