Saturday, December 1, 2007

Liberals Show Their True Colors Once Again

I originally was going to do a post on gays in the military today, but due to breaking news I’m going to put that one off a day or so.

As I’m sure you are all already aware of, there was a hostage situation at the Hillary Clinton campaign headquarters in Rochester, New Hampshire on Friday. It seems that a gentleman named Leeland Eisenberg walked into the office with what appeared to be a bomb strapped to his chest, although it later turned out to be road flares.

But the good news is that the entire situation was resolved without anyone getting hurt, including Mr. Eisenberg himself.

Early reports state that this gentleman has had “mental issues”, but does that really come as a surprise? When was the last time that someone walked into a building with a bomb strapped on themselves – real or not – and this person didn’t have “mental issues?”

But it is not Mr. Eisenberg’s mental issues that I want to talk about today, but rather the mental – and vile – issues of the left itself. Look at some of the comments posted today on some of the “mainstream” liberal blogs, including,, and

U "He seems to be the kind of person who would be influenced by the constant hate spewed by Limbaugh, Fox News, Beck and their ilk."

U "Fox will stop at nothing to make this a fascist nation"

U "I wonder what right wing talk show or MSM talking head (even though they're kind of the same thing) host gave this guy the idea to strap himself with dynamite."

U "If you want or need to have the fact reiterated that FOX is one right wing neocon news group....tune in now.... They are going out of their way to downplay this issue and to make certain that the person doing this is not a major player in the repuke party. They keep saying he is just a run of the mill political person."

U "This is what you get when you elect Repubs. The Return of the Dark Ages and the Wild West, where you are on your own and you better be quick with the trigger because everyone is armed to the teeth." Note: I wonder if this person held Bill Clinton responsible for the Oklahoma City Bombing?

U "Those right-wingers can't lose graciously, and have to resort to tactics as low as this... and I thought swift-boating in 2004 was low-class enough... but then...these are people who live in trailer-parks, watch NASCAR, and shop at TSC... what do I expect?"

U "I don’t know who he is, or his history. I won’t put money on him being a rethuglican, but, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was"

U "The guy looks like a pretty sick individual: A Repig hardliner?????"

I could give you dozens of other examples, but what I can’t do is give you examples of level-headed thinking, at least not from these liberal sites. I realize that these are comments of individuals, not journalists, and of course the comments of the American people will run the entire gamut. And yet while all of these outrageous hate filled conspiracy theories were being played out, conspicuously absent were the “common sense” rebuttals. If you were unfamiliar with the left, and only had these websites to go by, you would assume that this is the feeling of all liberals.

Hopefully, this isn’t the case. If this gentleman had instead stormed a Huckabee or Romney office instead, and the same comments were being posted by the fringe right, I would truly be embarrassed. And while I don’t rule out that there would be similar comments by the nut cases on the right, I am confident that there would also be more level-headed comments as well.

The thing that bothers me the most about these comments is part of what I have seen as a growing trend. I’ve had my blog for close to two months now, and during that time I have visited dozens of other blogs, on both the left and the right, and I have noticed a tremendous amount of name calling on the left. Sure, there is some on the right as well, but I would say that for every site I see on the right that uses this kind of language, I find ten on the left.

Look at these posts: Repig – Rethuglican – Repuke – and dozens of similar names throught these sites. Now I made a conscience decision when I started my blog that I wouldn’t stoop to this childish, immature name calling. They way I look at it, when I read a comment on either side of the aisle that uses this kind of language, the credibility of the writer drops about 50% in my view. If you are intelligent, you can make your point without resorting to such childishness. But of course, all you need to do is read these Liberal comments to realize we are not dealing with intelligent people here.

P.S. – I’d like to invite all of you to visit my friend Chris’s website at (Chris is one of the good liberals, a small group indeed). Go to his Friday, November 30th post, and watch the video. I think it sends a good message, and one that we could all probably use at this time of year.


Jody said...

I am always amazed by the hate spewed by those who preach tolerance... I was listening to Sean Hannity yesterday and he played some of the messages from his "Hate Hannity Hotlin" and the vile messages that people left... Oh my... SO much for peace.

cwilcox said...

Thanks for the plug Bob! I agree with you about anyone who uses that kind of language deserving 50% credibility. I was listening to a radio program the other day where the announcer would only refer to John Edwards as , "The Breck Girl." I can only imagine how he refers to Obama and Hillary. I turned it off because of the announcers obvious lack of credability.
As one who has no perfect record when it comes to "fair and balanced" ranting I have grown tired of bitter partisanship over the last several months. At first I found it hard not to resort to tactics similar to the ones you wrote of today. Similar but I never think I went as far as any of those examples.
Many of us really do feel betrayed by the Bush administration and feel he has done a great deal of harm to this great nation. I think those frustrations are just not handled right by a lot of people. You saw the same thing from the right when Carter and Clinton held power.
As for Sean Hannity though, I maybe don't feel so bad for people trashing him. You reap what you sew. So much for the vile commentary by the voices from the party of family values.