Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Democrats prove they are irrelevant once again….

Okay Chris, before you jump down my throat I’m not saying ALL Democrats are irrelevant, just the ones in Congress.

It seems that all the “fuss” about torture and waterboarding coming from the left has had a new light shown on it. According to a Washington Post article on Sunday, in September of 2002 a delegation of four lawmakers got a close look at CIA overseas detention sites and interrogation techniques. Those four lawmakers were Rep. Jane Harmon (D-CA), Sen. Bob Graham (R-FL), Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.VA), and my personal favorite, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Those lawmakers offered no challenge to the legitimacy of the interrogation tactics (including waterboarding), and on the contrary at least two of the lawmakers involved in the briefing that day questioned whether the CIA was pushing hard enough.

Among those being briefed, there was a pretty full understanding of what the CIA was doing," Porter Goss, a former CIA director and congressman who chaired the House intelligence panel at the time of the briefings, told The Post. "And the reaction in the room was not just approval, but encouragement."

Now, lets talk about a true hero. This past Sunday, Matthew Murray entered the 10,000+ member New Life Church in Colorado Springs carrying three weapons and over 1,000 rounds of ammunition (and no, Murray is not our hero). Murray diverted people from the exit doors with smoke cannisters as he entered the only clear doorway, and Murray began shooting.

Given the fact that Michael Murray entered with three weapons and 1,000 rounds of ammo, it’s easy to assume that his goal was to build a huge body count. As it is, Murray took the life of two teenage sisters, Stacy and Rachel works. The reason that Murray was unsuccessful in adding to the body count was because of Jeanne Assam.

Jeanne is our hero. Jeanne, who was attending service as the time, was scheduled to work a security detail later at the church. A former policewomen, Jeanne was carrying a weapon at the time, and once the shooting started Jeanne’s thoughts turned not to her own safety, but rather for the safety of the fellow parishioners.

As the gunman entered the church in body armor and wielding an assault rifle, she prayed to God and shot him dead. She said at a news conference on Monday, “God guided me and protected me. I give credit to God. God was with me. I didn’t think for a minute to run away.”

I saw him coming through the doors” and initially took cover. I came out of cover and identified myself and engaged him and took him down.”

It’s hard to say how many lives Jeanne saved that day, but given the size of the crowd and the firepower, it’s not inconceivable to say that without Jeanne, we may be looking at the largest mass murder in U.S. History.

Why Murray did this is still being pieced together. Police are also looking at him as the likely suspect for two murders earlier that day at a missionary training center 70 miles away. One of the comments that I read at one website said something that I thought very interesting “It is perhaps worth noting that the toll in Sunday’s shootings exceeded the combined total in all “hate crimes” against Muslims in the six years since September 11.” Okay, that’s not really the direction I was going with my report, but I did find it interesting.

The obvious discussion that arises from this horrific situation has to do with the arguments that we see anytime there is a mass shooting, be it Columbine, Virginia Tech, or last weeks shooting in the Omaha Mall, the pro-2nd amendment crowd always arises with the argument: “If only the citizenry were armed, they could have stopped something like this.” Hmm, apparently they were right?

Look, I’m not an “NRA Gun Nut”, I don’t even own a gun (unless you are considering breaking into my house, in which case I own a lot of guns), and I know this isn’t a “Black and White” situation. I do know however that the next time there is a mass shooting when there is not an armed presence around, those on the other side stating “Arming the Principal/Pilot/Whatever would not have made a difference” are going to have a real difficult time making that argument stick.

Or they could just pull a Pelosi and agree with the situation at one point, and be disgusted by it when it is no longer acceptable.


cwilcox said...

I don't mean to freak you out but I have no argument with you on this. I was thankful but curious that the church employed armed security guards. I guess the church elders were more omnipotent that I would have ever guessed. I don't own guns either. I have had the good fortune of never fearing for my life to the point of thinking I needed one. Our Second Amendment is as important as our first-my favorite, the fourth-which is taking a beating by Bush and all the others and the only thing that disturbs me about gun issues is the ferver of the NRA zealots. They go crazy everytime anybody even wants to discuss maybe limiting bazooka's with armor piercing projectiles in school zones...know what I mean? Your Post reference about Pelosi and company was interesting. I need to check that out. It would seem we poor Democrats not only have to over come the obstructionist Republicans but some of the old wood in our party as well. Sigh.

Iowa Bob said...

A few days ago you wrote on your blog “I gotta give some props to President Bush”, and today you agree with me on my blog. Okay Chris, before you go any further, I need you to do me a favor. Go down in the basement, preferably in the darkest, dankest corner, and tell me if you see a pod there. It should be pretty good sized…..

I understand your concern about why certain reasonable laws can’t be passed regarding AK-47’s and the like, and I actually agree with you. However, I think that those who feverously support the 2nd Amendment feel that once you get one law passed, it just makes it easier to keep chipping away. It’s the same concern that those on the left have regarding abortion. Do you really think that a 13 year old should be able to have an abortion without parental consent? But if they lose that fight, it makes it easier to lose the next battle. Need an example? Look at the following conversation, circa 1968:

Tobacco Executive: So you’re telling me that if we put these warnings on our packs, and no longer advertise on T.V., you’ll go away and leave us alone?

Government: We’ll never bother you again.

One last thing. Like I said, I don’t own guns, but I know a lot of people who do, and those who are also members of the NRA take the responsibility of ownership VERY seriously. Are their nuts out there? Sure there are, but to characterize the average NRA member as one is woefully misguided.

cwilcox said...

hmm, well, actually many gun advocates and 2nd Ammendment protectors have abandoned the NRA because they have lost sight of their original purpose. They are now much more about politics and a conservative agenda than they ever were guns. So yeah, I'm sticking by my theory that the average NRA member is a whacko.

Iowa Bob said...

You know, Michael Moore is a member of the NRA, so you may be onto something there.....